Decade of Publication is exactly 1981-1990

الفكر السياسي الايراني المعاصر

IJA Number: 2379 · Language: Arabic

This is a book about contemporary Iranian political thought and Islamic governance, known as "Valayat-e Faqih."

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الملف : زيارة ميتران لاسرائيل

IJA Number: 1920 · Language: Arabic

This is a text published in Arabic about François Mitterrand’s visit to Israel. It contains reprints of articles in both Arabic and French and is part of a series of studies and development projects.

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شوؤن اسرائيلية بحوث و مقالات مترجمه عن الانتخابات داخل الكيان الصهيوني

IJA Number: 1474 · Language: Arabic

This is a research article in Arabic titled "Israeli Affairs: Examinations and Translated Essays of Selections from the Zionist Community." It is from the University of Baghdad's Political Science department, Palestinian Studies Center.

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[...] جيش الدفاع

IJA Number: 1919 · Language: Arabic

This is a paper published in Arabic. The title page is severely damaged. A partial title is “Army Defense” and it was issued from the Research and Information Center in Baghdad.

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استراتيجية الصهيونية للسيطرة على البحر الحمر

IJA Number: 2903 · Language: Arabic

This is a serial or dissertation publication in Arabic from the Center for Palestinian Studies at the University of Baghdad, titled "Zionist Strategies for Control of the Red Sea."

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القدس تشكيل جديد للمدينة؛ القرية العربية الفلسطينية مبنى واستعمالات اراض؛ معجم المواقع الجغرافية في فلسطين

IJA Number: 233 · Language: Arabic

This is a collection multiple articles by different authors. Article titles include "Jerusalem: Formation of a New City," "Arab Palestinian Village Building and Land Establishment," and "Glossary of Geographical Locations in Palestine." Other works describe Arab countries’ armament spending, Israeli defense policy, and the need for military service.

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اخبار ايران نشرة شهرية تعني بالأخبار السياسية والإقتصادية

IJA Number: 2085 · Language: Arabic

This is a booklet titled “Iran News: Monthly Newsletter Concerned with Political and Economic News” issued by the Center for Iranian Studies at the University of Basra (Iraq). It is for researchers and professionals and monitors and analyzes news of Iran foreign policy, internal, economic, and military affairs.

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Archival Materials

Investment Plan Booklet, Ministry of Planning

IJA Number: 2082 · Language: Arabic

This is a booklet published by the Ministry of Planning titled "Summary of the Investment Plan for 1986 – Strictly Confidential.” Included are the financial allocations, total cost of the investment plan, comparison between the annual cost and disciplinary direct implementation projects, foreign currency, supplies of construction materials, manpower requirements, and financial exchange. All are with regard to the sectors of Iraqi government: Agriculture, Industrial, Transportation Education, and Chemical Industry; a descriptive table for each sector is included.

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جواسيس من تل ابيب

IJA Number: 194 · Language: Arabic

This is an Arabic translation of a book first printed in Czechoslovakia in 1982 and written by Borovička; the Arabic title is “Spies from Tel Aviv.” It is about the Mossad and was, according to the note, “the first of its kind to expose the Mossad which makes it so different from other books that praise the Mossad and change Zionist crimes into extraordinary heroism."

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ליל הסדר

IJA Number: 2381 · Language: Hebrew

This is a modern Israeli school book for the holiday of Passover.

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International Politics

IJA Number: 2380 · Language: English

This is a booklet from the University of Baghdad College of Law and Politics, Department of Politics, for students and lay people with a simple approach on international politics.

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תורה לילד

IJA Number: 2369 · Language: Hebrew

This is the workbook of a modern Israeli text book for teaching Torah.

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الوجه الآخر: العلاقات السرية بين النازية وقيادة الحركة الصهاينة

IJA Number: 138 · Language: Arabic

This is a copy of "The Other Side: the Secret Connections between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement,” originally Mahmoud Abbas's doctoral thesis, completed in 1982 at the Patrice Lumumba University, and defended at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. The book was published on 1984 in Arabic by Dar Ibn Rushd publishers in Amman, Jordan.

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IJA Number: 132 · Language: Multiple Languages

These are groups of fragments of pages from books and archival documents. Included is a title page, and a military packing list, as well as documents in Arabic.

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التقرير العسكري: التقرير العلمي و التكنولوجي

IJA Number: 680 · Language: Arabic

This is a monthly report titled “Military Report: Science and Technology” and is number 10 from 1988.

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اخبار الكيان الصهيوني

IJA Number: 622 · Language: Arabic

This is a periodical published in Arabic titled “News of the Zionist Entity,” issue #37. The introduction states that the issue covers all aspects of news based on Hebrew, foreign and Arabic sources.

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الاموال السياسية: مؤامرة الصمت حول تمويل الاحزاب المصلحة المشتركة للمعراخ و الليكود

IJA Number: 59 · Language: Arabic

This is a publication in Arabic titled “Political Money: The Conspiracy of Silence about the Financing of Political Parties - The Common Interest of the Alignment and Likud” published by the Research and Information Center as part of the Political Studies Series. The publication information indicates this was a reprint of an article that appeared in a magazine in 1985.

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اسحاق شامير: سيرة ذاتية

IJA Number: 58 · Language: Arabic

This is a booklet titled “The Biography of Yitzhak Shamir” published by the Research and Information Center as part of the Political Studies Series.

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كنت جاسوسا في إسرائل

IJA Number: 1916 · Language: Arabic

This is a book published in Arabic titled: “I Was a Spy in Israel: Rāfat Al-Hajān” and is the third part of the first edition. This edition is signed by the author, Saleh Morsi, with a dedication “to Egypt's youth.” The book was later turned into a popular television show in Egypt.

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دراسات: نشرة شهرية تحليلية خاصة بالمشتركين تصدرها الدار العربية لنشر و الترجمة تعنى بالشئون الاسرائيلية و الصهيونية من كافة الجوانب

IJA Number: 46 · Language: Arabic

This is a periodical in Arabic titled "Studies: A Monthly Analytical Subscription Publication by the Arab House for Studies, Publication and Translation about the Matter of Israel and Zionism from all Aspects." It is from October 1988 and is number 14 in the series.

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Archival Materials

Reproduction of a Book about Anwar Sadat; Translations of Newspaper Articles

IJA Number: 31 · Language: Arabic

This is a reproduction of a book in Arabic about Egyptian Prime Minister Anwar Sadat's trip to Israel. The book discusses the reconciliation agreements between Israel and Egypt and contains the text of speeches and press conferences by key players in the peace talks. The item also includes Arabic translations of many articles that appeared in foreign newspaper in October, 1985. Each translation entry includes the article in its original language.

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Palestine and Israel: The Uprising and Beyond

IJA Number: 181 · Language: English

This book is about modern Middle Eastern Politics.

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الكميّة و النوعيّة في الإستراتيجيّة الإسرائيايّة

IJA Number: 167 · Language: Arabic

This is a book printed in Arabic titled: "Quantity and Nature of Israeli Strategies." It is the second part from the first edition.

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منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية: المجلس الوطني الفلسطينية الدورة الثامنة عشرة

IJA Number: 161 · Language: Arabic

These are conference proceedings in Arabic from the Palestinian Liberation Organization's Palestinian National Committee for their 18th Session, held
April 20-25, 1987 in Algeria.

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