IJA Number: 3280
Correspondence, Mostly Regarding Iranians in Iraq
These are letters regarding the British Occupation of Iraq; some have the English translation of the Arabic. The documents include: correspondence regarding workers in Iraq and Persia (modern day Iran); correspondence between a district governor and the Ministry of Interior’s about the Iranian Vice Consul that had been touring in that district, a letter from the Persian Consul General to the High Commissioner for Iraq regarding the dismissal of the Persian Vice Consul and his replacement; a letter from the General Police Office to the Administration for Travelling, Residency, and Naturalization regarding an Iranian religious scholar's residency status in Iraq; correspondence between Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Ministry of Interior regarding investigating the type of business owned by two Iranian scientists in Iraq and why the Iraqi government wants to shut it down; correspondence between Ministry of Interior and district governors regarding security matters, request to assist some consulates in collecting its fees from individuals.