- Title
חמשה חומשי תורה ספר במדבר
- Alternative Title
Ḥamishah Ḥumshe Torah Sefer Ba-Midbar
- Description
This is the book of Numbers with the Aramaic translation and commentaries and also includes the Hafṭarot and the morning service for Shabat. There are two publication dates that do not correspond: the Hebrew Calendar year corresponds with 1875 or 1876 rather than the Gregorian date, 1886, printed on the title page.
- IJA Number
- Publisher
- Hebrew Date of Publication
- Date of original publication
- Language
- oclcnum
- Contains annotations?
- Object Depth
2.80 cm
- Object Height
16.80 cm
- Object Width
11.40 cm
- Object Size
- Object Thickness
- Book Format
Sewn Binding
- Cover Material
- Decade of Publication
- Mended
- Keywords
- Place of Publication
- Record Type
- Rehoused
Custom Box